Being She Universe 2023

Wear The Change
Share The Change

Being She Universe is an annual international beauty pageant that is run by a UAE based women’s Organization called Being She. The initiative started in 2019 and the grand finale is held annually in Dubai. The aim of this initiative is to connect aspiring models with international brands and strengthen their modeling portfolios. To participate in Being She Universe 2023 you have to be female (16+) and a member of the Being She Club.

What happens during Being She Universe?

Participants/Finalists for being she universe are invited for a five day workshop which consists of rampwalk sessions, photoshoots, personality development training. Food, hair, makeup, and wardrobe for the finale will be provided for all models.

What Are We Looking For?

The theme for Being She Universe 2023 is ‘Promoting sustainable practices in beauty, fashion, and business’. We are looking for #Earthstewards, ambassadors who will use their influence to educate the world about sustainable practices and the benefits they bring to the environment, society, and future generations.

How can my participation make a difference?

As a participant, you will be viewed as a model for the “ideal” community member therefore you can use your influence to encourage others to be responsible citizens.

We have certified mentors and coaches who will help you develop self-confidence to master one-on-one interviews, and stage presence.

Being featured in magazines, newspapers, TV and radio by international media houses will open numerous collaboration opportunities for you with organizations, experts, and influencers and strengthen your credibility.

You can grow your social media following through cross promotions from participating brands when they repost your content during photoshoots and other activities.

If selected, you can work with any of our participating brands for the duration of your membership – additional revenue stream.

You can become the face of any of our participating sustainable lifestyle and beauty brands which you can add to your portfolio.

You can actively participate in our annual ramadan food drives, clean up campaigns and meal distribution campaigns as a member of the BeingShe Club

Show Director - Lokesh Sharma
International Fashion Choreographer

Being She Universe Winners